
Karla impacted me in a way that challenged me to take ownership of my own relationship with Jesus. If I am honest, I have failed. The way she engaged with God consistently through reading the bible on her own amazed me. In my life, I have built the expectation that I will ask and seek the easy answer from those around me instead of seeking my own revelation from God and the bible. I think this is manifested in my struggles with Time with God. I want someone to tell me the answer to how to make it fruitful and best for me instead of searching and building my own relationship with God. Am I building the habits and putting in place the building blocks of my relationship with Jesus to change generations of my family?”

“Karla’s practical insight for how to read the Bible definitely changed the way that I’ve been approaching our scripture readings this year – especially the Psalms. She absolutely de-mystified the Word of God for me! I felt like her personal walk was such inspiration about how God works in and through people over time. Additionally, the value that she places on worship, and the aspect of sacrifice she interwove into her teaching gave me new eyes for approaching any/all types of worship. Before, my worship seemed to fall flat, and now it is genuinely one of the things I look forward to the most each week!”

“Karla was incredibly well-spoken and offered such clarity and wisdom in her teaching that there is no doubting that she is a devout woman of God – full of the Holy Spirit. She speaks of the Kingdom of God and the nature of God with an authority that inspires! She embodies humility: as much as she is a teacher it is clear she is forever a student! Her guidance on the daily discipline of spending time with God and reading scripture was a simple epiphany that has transformed the way I am developing my relationship with Jesus. I am confident that anyone who has the opportunity to hear her story will leave convicted of her faith and desire the same in their own lives.”

“Karla really led off d-school with a bang. Her two-part story about how God led the way for her to understand the Bible and discover new things was amazing. Her passion for the Bible was apparent and her steadfastness with God was truly evident.”

“Karla has a unique speaking gift that both bring humor and at the same time challenges my own faith as she crafts her thoughts with scriptural accuracy. Her arrows of truth hit the mark every time, the bulls’ eye being others’ hearts where they need to be awakened, challenged, or loved! Thank you Karla for all your passion for God’s message of Love, Forgiveness, and Hope!” 

“I have been privileged to sit under Karla’s teaching through various events, and each time, I am captivated and engaged. The depth and the power of Karla’s teaching are evident that the Spirit is alive and at work in her, anointing her in a unique and amazing way! She is a gifted teacher, and I have gained much wisdom and perspective from her teachings. She has an incredible way of drawing you in with stories that make you both laugh and cry, and I have always appreciated her vulnerability to share her own stories and struggles and victories. She has a keen ear for the Spirit’s promptings, which is shown through her teaching. She should be sharing her stories and teachings everywhere…lives will be changed!!! She is truly blessed and gifted in this area. And I am blessed to have heard her teach!”

“I have been blessed to hear Karla teach many times. The insight and wisdom she shares come from a love for Christ and a passion for His word. Her excitement and commitment to follow Christ is contagious!

” I have always been impacted by Karla’s deep love of God’s Word. Combine that with clear but humorous communication and a willingness to be vulnerable, and that’s what you receive when Karla speaks. She always inspires!”

“God’s love and truth shine through Karla’s teachings! I’ve witnessed her teaching and have left inspired, hopeful, and wanting MORE. She also is a gifted writer and gives the reader something to hold onto with every blog post. One of my favorite “Karla testimonies” is how she helped a dear friend of mine return to her broken marriage, with hope. By following Karla’s obedience to allow God to work, she now has a marriage that’s flourishing! Karla is one of the most down-to-earth, REAL people you will ever meet. I’m anxiously awaiting her first novel.”

“I have seen Karla grow from a young Christian to a wise, mature, prophetic woman of God. The way she “shares” her heart (aka teaching) has a sweet mix of story, humor, humility and the heart and word of God. I always look forward when she teaches, as I know I will get a nugget for myself and that my heart and my head will be engaged. She prays, ministers, and speaks a word from God. Besides all that, she is a complete blast as we can laugh and she doesn’t take herself too seriously. She is a great example of living the abundant life; holding the bitter and the sweet up to Jesus to make it pure gold. God is using her yielding to bless many and encourage them to live it all for Him.”