
find me

So a song comes along and doesn’t just move me, it shifts me. It creates a question that dogs my steps, my words, my thoughts.

If He returns today, what will He find me doing?

Choosing to walk in the Spirit, or letting my flesh call the shots?

Loving Him, and my neighbor? Because loving God while hating people isn’t loving God. Will I be found walking out that truth?

Making decisions from a place of faith, or fear?

Actually being a light in the darkness, or just complaining because it’s dark?

Living fully as who I was created to be, or wishing I was someone else?

Just attending a church or being the Church?

Promoting unity, or bringing division?

Full of joy, or full of self-pity? Or bitterness. Or jealousy. Or judgment. Or fill in the blank.

Walking in peace, or looking for a fight?

Living to please Him, or someone else?

Will He find me thankful? Grateful for all He has done, all He has given to me? Or will I be found complaining? Wishing there was more.

I have no control over when He comes back. But should He return today, what He finds is all on me.  And you.

Sidebar:  Do not underestimate God’s ability to use a song to shift your perspective. To change you. 


9 thoughts on “find me”

  1. Never heard The Helsers until now. Thank you for sharing “Find Me” and the video. You are a thought-provoking creator of questions … 15 to be exact! Grateful/Thankful to call you teacher & friend. I have shared your website with my daughters and nieces. Hoping they ‘follow’ you, too.

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      1. The last 12 months have been real tough Karla, – at church in particular. God has repeatedly told me to trust Him, but you know how impatient we humans get. I guess it was the first taste for all of us in the leadership team at church of difficult times.

        We are just starting to come through it now but I am still hearing the ‘trust Me’ words, and the reminders to keep it together in the difficult situations and not get angry, judgemental, etc., but to simply rejoice in Him and in the knowledge that He is in control.

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      2. I’m sorry it’s been such a difficult season, David. But thankful too. Those are the seasons God uses to grow us. And I’m thankful that God did not leave His Church in our hands! He is absolutely in control, which is such a relief! Glad you are starting to come through it, and glad you are hearing and listening to God.

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